RAVI PLAST MOLD PRIVATE LIMITED manufacture and assemble precision plastic injection moulded parts for leading domestic and international OEM (original equipment manufacturers) of different market segments. We offer innovative solution for conversion of wood and metallic parts into engineering plastic components.
We have successfully developed more than 1500 products. We offer a full range of precision injection moulding technologies including insert and over-moulding utilizing state-of-the art equipment. Our facilities and experienced man-power process all type engineering plastic materials including high temperature materials like PEEK, PPS, PPA, PEI, Nylon 46 etc. We follow a PPAP method assuring adherence to quality process and delivering quality products. We are reliable for your “Just-in-time delivery” requirements.
RPMPL wants to become one of the important and necessary links in long chain of events that must take place in order to bring your customized projects to a successful competition. To provide all the product and services with one thing in mind: to give our customer world-class production services that they can feel confident about.
To become one of the most highly regarded and Technical aware Injection Moulding Engineering Plastic Component firm in global market and to satisfy the needs, desires and expectations of industries. Want to be one of the major suppliers in automobile and Electrical Industries for Renault OEMs.
Manufacture various Injection Molded Engineering Plastic Components with modern Premises. Serves in Diversified industries like Automobile, Electrical, Electronics, Engineering, Pharmaceutical, Sanitary, Textile, and many more. Specialized in conversion of Brass, Wood and other metallic parts into Engineering Plastic Components.